Improvement in effectiveness of Teaching and Learning
Improvement in effectiveness of Teaching and Learning
How can we improve....
1) Focus on the spirit of teaching or not as a role inside the classroom.
2) Use those learning materials with which students can relate on a daily basis
3) Focus more on the approach to solve problems rather than tinkering.
4) Involve students to do a pre & post analysis of every problem before and after it is addressed - right from pre-school.
5) Don't focus too much on making a standardized curriculum at the primary levels. Learning environments differ in different places, locations, or societies based on their local needs.
6) Involve parents, teachers, students, and society in identifying real problems of the local area and then use the techniques, tools, or resources to solve them creatively.
7) Always focus on the impact of the effort , time, and money and ask students to explain what they have learnt.
8) Create a cross functional learning environment that is done in industry - which means involve your school all functionariesinto the collaborative problem Solving.
9) Always be open to ideas from everyone and from every corner from all class employees.
10) A child might ask a question for which the teachers might not have answers. Then work with the students by becoming a learner and say -"I too don't know. Let's find out". The students will admire you more.
11) Meet the real people , real workers, manufacturers, industrialists and ask them about their problems.
12) Every week invite a job creator or self employed person to your school as a guest and ask him to tell his journey and the problems he or she is facing.
Make a note of these problems and then prepare your curriculum for Activities based on these local problems of your areas and then involve all Stakeholders to solve this problem.
Use Education tools, techniques, methods and approaches to arrive at solutions through brainstorming and collaborative thinking and working.
As an example, to weekend Activities Invite shopkeepers, icecream vendors, vegetable vendors, doctors, engineers, daily wage labourers, house maids, engineers, industrialists, sports persons,politicians, MRO, Income Tax officer, Scientists.. Everyone As your guest for knowing their Problems.
13) Document everything
14) Publish the analysis, study , and impact on your school website.
15) Recognize and appreciate all Stakeholders for their time, advice,suggestions, ideas, and effort.
16) Learning should be hard at first. One finding that may surprise you is that approaches that appear to make learning harder in the short term can actually lead to students retaining more information in the long term. It's proved that varying the type of tasks you ask pupils to do improves retention even though it makes learning harder initially. It is very surprising.
17) Drill down to the essentials.
What do you really want students to know?Try to distill a unit of work down to its essentials. It can be useful to collect all the information your class needs to know for a unit in a single document at the end of the lesson or unit.
18) Work backwards.
To pinpoint the skills students need to develop at each stage, look at the assessment for a unit and work backwards. This way, individual lessons need less planning and become one step in a bigger journey. You are able to judge what stage students are at and cover the skills needed at each point in the unit of work.
19) Simplify individual lessons.
One of the important aims in developing students’ memories is to avoid excessive cognitive burden. Streamlining your teaching – cutting out unnecessary distractions – will go a long way in helping students hold on to information.
20) Mix it up.
Practising two or more related subjects or skills in parallel, known as interleaving, can have a powerful impact on learning.
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