The power of blessing
Neetu Gupta, IUEf Educator for Pooma Educational Trust.
Blessings are positive thoughts created for everyone. It is your unconditional good feelings and wishes that travel in the form of pure vibrations to all - A feeling of respect, love, success, well being and help.
The best gift you can give to anyone is to bless them. Instead of getting anxious, negative and worried about any concerns, just BLESS them in right state of mind. You will not even be aware, how powerful your blessings can be. They truly work wonders and can have tremendous positive impact on anyone’s life.
For example: when the child is sleeping, put your loving hands on his head and bless him with all good things in life, good health, success, love, anything and everything you want your child to be or have. When he is just playing, studying, eating, just bless him. If nothing specific comes to your mind just keep saying internally, "God Bless You”. Let us all bless and guide our children, instead of worrying and feeling anxious. Let this be your ongoing way of loving your child throughout his life
Process: You need to bless yourself first- if you are empty from within- how can you fill up another person. Blessings can be through words, but importantly through thoughts. It shouldn’t happen that your words say something, but your thoughts say something else. These blessings should be selfless and without any motive behind. In order to make these blessings powerful and effective, visualise and feel as if you are getting immersed with Gods powers, peace, love, happiness and bliss and transferring these to another soul through you and in the process you becomes instrument in sending blessings in soul consciousness state. You must have good intention and a feel of respect. It is a supreme soul (Parm Atma) - to soul connection and as such takes the shape of “Prayers”. We should bless exactly what is wanted or required and importantly without having doubt of end result. These can of any shape: Giving- hope, encouragement, strength, motivation, support, success etc.
For example: Your child is going for a final examination and you bless him through words that –“You will do well – Don’t worry.” But on another hand you are churning in your mind that - “Throughout the year he has not studied – Pata nahi iskey paper theek hongey ki nahi”. This is where the words and thoughts are not in harmony. Instead we should think and say, ”You will definitely do very well and pass out with flying colours (What we want).”
We cannot control situations, but with blessings the person becomes strong enough to face the situations and cross these hurdles, without weakening his mind.
I personally feel, that not necessarily a blessing has to be always from elders to juniors and but these can be reversed too. In fact these are pure wishes from one pure soul to another soul with pure intentions. Please reread above and experience.
Wishing you all a Blessed period ahead.
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